
The ICCT is a club based on membership and the work of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers. Fálkinn, our club newsletter, is published four to six times a year, to keep members up-to-date on club happenings and social/cultural events, current affairs in Iceland, etc. The benefits of membership include:

  • Invitations to exclusive events with Icelandic artists, authors & musicians
  • Discounts at most Club-hosted events
  • Mailings with newsletters, special offers for members, promotional materials
  • E-mail bulletins about special events
  • Eligibility for Club Scholarships & Grants
  • Use of the ICCT Lending Library

Get involved! Meet other Iceland enthusiasts, Icelanders and Icelandic Canadians, and learn more about Iceland, its people and its culture.

Volunteers are always needed too ⋅⋅⋅ Calls for volunteers are periodically posted in the newsletter, but if you have a special skill that you think you could contribute, let us know. Feel free to approach any of the Board members at an ICCT event.

New members will receive additional information when they first join. If you have questions about membership, you may contact:

Brad Rodo, Membership Outreach Director